All Classes and Interfaces

Describes a grid asset under the assumption that every asset could be operable
Abstract class for all builder that build child entities of abstract class AssetInput
Data used for the construction of AssetInput entities.
Abstract factory class that can be extended in order for creating AssetInput entities with AssetInputEntityData data objects.
Describes the type of an AssetInput
German standard electricity load profiles, defined by the bdew (Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft; engl.Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industry).
Describes a biomass plant
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of BmInput entities with altered field values.
Represents calculation results of a BmInput
Describes the type of a BmInput
This class extends the BufferedWriter and adds information about the file shape of the csv file
CharacteristicInput<A extends javax.measure.Quantity<A>,O extends javax.measure.Quantity<O>>
Describes characteristics of assets
CharacteristicPoint<A extends javax.measure.Quantity<A>,O extends javax.measure.Quantity<O>>
Class to describe one point of a given CharacteristicInput
The actual implementation EvcsInput types.
Is thrown in case, there is some problem when building VoltageLevelInformation
Utility class to create either custom instances of ChargingPointTypes or to retrieve common standard ChargingPointTypes based on their id
Describes a combined heat and power plant
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of ChpInput entities with altered field values.
Represents calculation results of a ChpInput
Describes the type of a ChpInput
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.0.
Supported column schemes in individual time series
Class with extended information to describe common voltage levels in energy systems.
Exception that should be used whenever something invalid happens in a implementation of a DataConnector
Describes an asset that connects two NodeInputs
Data used by ConnectorInputEntityFactory to create an instance of ConnectorInput, thus needing additional information about the NodeInput, which cannot be provided through the attribute map.
Denotes possible external ports of a connector.
Abstract class to hold most 'ElectricCurrent and Angle'-mappings common to all connectors
Offers functionality useful for grouping different models together
Factory, that is able to build coordinate id to coordinate mapping from German Federal Weather Service's COSMO model
Factory implementation of TimeBasedWeatherValueFactory, that is able to handle field to value mapping in the typical PowerSystemDataModel (PSDM) column scheme
Characteristic denoting a power factor, that is dependent on the current power consumption or infeed
Characteristic denoting a power factor, that is dependent on the current power consumption or infeed
Implements a DataConnector for Couchbase.
Couchbase Source for weather data
Parent class of all .csv file related sources containing methods and fields consumed by allmost all implementations of .csv file related sources.
Provides the connector (here: buffered writer) for specific files to be used by a CsvFileSink
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.0.
Sink that provides all capabilities to write UniqueEntitys to .csv-files.
Implementation of the GraphicSource interface to read NodeGraphicInput and LineGraphicInput entities from .csv files
Implementation of IdCoordinateSource to read the mapping between coordinate id and actual coordinate from csv file and build a mapping from it.
Enhancing the IndividualTimeSeriesMetaInformation with the full path to csv file
Convenience class for cases where all used data comes from CSV sources
Source that provides the capability to build entities that are hold by a RawGridElements as well as the RawGridElements container from .csv files.
Source that provides the capability to build entities of type ResultEntity container from .csv files.
Source that provides the capability to build entities of type SystemParticipantInput as well as SystemParticipants container from .csv files.
Source that provides the capability to build thermal AssetInput entities from .csv files
CSV implementation for retrieving TimeSeriesMetaInformationSource from input directory structures
Source that is capable of providing information around time series from csv files.
Source that provides the capability to build entities of type SystemParticipantTypeInput and OperatorInput from .csv files
Implements a WeatherSource for CSV files by using the CsvTimeSeriesSource as a base
Thermal storage with cylindrical shape
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of CylindricalStorageInput entities with altered field values.
Respresents the results of CylindricalStorageInput
A naming strategy for database entities
Describes a class that is used to establish a connection to a data location.
Describes a class that manages data persistence.
General interface that is implemented by all specific data sources for different types of data structures that are persisted in different locations.
Default directory hierarchy for input models
A default implementation for edges in a DistanceWeightedGraph.
A distance weighted graph that uses DistanceWeightedEdges as edge type.
Represents everything, that is capable of storing electric energy
Generic electric current type implementation.
Represents calculation results of an EmInput
Describes a price for energy
Internal API Contains data that is needed by an EntityFactory to generate an entity
Universal factory class for creating entities with EntityData data objects.
Provides an easy to use standard way to name files, tables or any other persistent representation of models.
Internal API Interface for EntityProcessors.
Is thrown, when an something went wrong during entity field mapping creation in a EntityProcessor
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of EvcsInput entities with altered field values.
Factory to create instances of EvcsInputs based on NodeAssetInputEntityData and additional fields.
Describes type of location of an EvcsInput.
Utility class providing tools to retrieve EvcsLocationTypes from string representation
Represents calculation results of a EvcsInput
Describes an electric vehicle
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of EvInput entities with altered field values.
Represents calculation results of a EvInput
Describes the type of a EvInput
A simple utility class that can be used by sinks to extract nested elements (e.g.
Exception that should be used whenever something invalid happens in a implementation of a DataConnector
Abstract factory class, that is able to transfer specific "flat" information in to actual model class instances.
Is thrown, when an something went wrong during entity creation process in a EntityFactory
Represent a tuple of FieldSourceToMethod.FieldSource to Method to highlight, where information of a time series can be obtained from
Enum to denote, where information can be received from
Abstract definition of a file hierarchy (a piece of software, that knows where to find / place a file reflecting a certain class) inside of a nested sub directory structure
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.0.
A naming strategy, that combines an EntityPersistenceNamingStrategy for naming entities and a FileHierarchy for a folder structure.
Dummy class to represent a constant feed in regardless of its type
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of FixedFeedInInput entities with altered field values.
Represents calculation results of a FixedFeedInInput
Default directory hierarchy for input models
Represents results of flexibility request
Represents the accumulation of graphic data elements (node graphics, line graphics)
Describes the graphic data belonging to grid assets
Abstract class for all builder that build child entities of abstract class GraphicInput
Abstract factory implementation for all GraphicInput elements
Interface that provides the capability to build entities of type GraphicInput from different data sources e.g.
This class offers some useful methods for handling geographical problems related to grids
Interface that should be implemented by all elements holding a LineInput elements and should be processable by the Extractor.
Interface that should be implemented by all elements holding one or more NodeInput elements and should be processable by the Extractor.
Interface that should be implemented by all elements holding a ThermalBusInput elements and should be processable by the Extractor.
Interface that should be implemented by all elements holding a ThermalStorageInput elements and should be processable by the Extractor.
Interface that should be implemented by all elements holding a AssetTypeInput and should be processable by the Extractor.
Describes a tuple based on active electrical power, as well as heat power
Describes a triple based on active and reactive electrical power, as well as heat power
Describes as heat demand value
Describes a heat pump
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of HpInput entities with altered field values.
Represents calculation results of a HpInput
Describes the type of a HpInput
Factory, that is able to build coordinate id to coordinate mapping from German Federal Weather Service's ICON model
Factory implementation of TimeBasedWeatherValueFactory, that is able to handle field to value mapping in the column scheme, ie3 uses to store it's data from German Federal Weather Service's ICON-EU model
Abstract class definition for a factory, that is able to build single mapping entries from coordinate identifier to actual coordinate
This class serves mapping purposes between the ID of a coordinate and the actual coordinate with latitude and longitude values, which is especially needed for data source that don't offer combined primary or foreign keys.
A default implementation for edges in a ImpedanceWeightedGraph.
An impedance weighted graph that uses ImpedanceWeightedEdges as edge type.
Describes a TimeSeries with individual values per time step
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.0.
Specific meta information, that can be derived from an individual time series file
Implements a DataConnector for InfluxDB.
InfluxDB Sink for result and time series data
InfluxDB Source for weather data
Represents an aggregation of different entities
Functionless class to describe that all subclasses are input classes
Processes all InputEntitys and it's child classes
Exception that is thrown whenever data columns are not as expected.
Is thrown, when a checked entity is illegal and thus not usable
Model class to hold input models for more than one galvanically separated subnet
Describes the graphic data belonging to a LineInput
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of LineGraphicInput entities with altered field values.
Data used by LineGraphicInputFactory used to create instances of LineGraphicInputs holding one LineInput entity.
Factory to create LineGraphicInput entities
Describes an electrical grid line that connects two NodeInputs
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of LineInput entities with altered field values.
Represents calculation results of a LineInput
Describes the type of a LineInput
Describes a load
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of LoadInput entities with altered field values.
Unique entry to a LoadProfileInput
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 3.0.
Specific meta information, that can be derived from a load profile time series file
Represents calculation results of a LoadInput
Model of a measuring unit attached to a certain NodeInput.
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of MeasurementUnitInput entities with altered field values.
Temperature dependant determined by NBW (accessed 05/2022)
This interface should be implemented only by other interfaces that should be used by the Extractor It provides the entry point for the extraction method in the Extractor.
Data used by all factories used to create instances of InputEntitys holding one NodeInput entity, thus needing additional information about the NodeInput, which cannot be provided through the attribute map.
Describes the graphic data belonging to a NodeInput
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of NodeGraphicInput entities with altered field values.
Data used by NodeGraphicInputFactory used to create instances of NodeGraphicInputs holding one NodeInput entity.
Factory to create NodeGraphicInput entities
Describes an electrical grid node, that other assets can connect to
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of NodeInput entities with altered field values.
Represents calculation results of a NodeInput
Characteristic for overhead line monitoring
Describes an operable Entity, with operation period interval
Time for which something is operated, can be limited to a time frame with one or two bounds or not limited which is by definition equal to always on
Builder class for OperationTime
Describes an operator, that operates assets
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of OperatorInput entities with altered field values.
Basic sketch and skeleton for a processors including all functions that apply for all needed subtypes of processors
Wrapper providing the class specific processor to convert an instance of a UniqueEntity into a mapping from attribute to value which can be used to write data e.g.
Exception that should be used whenever an error occurs in a instance of ProcessorProvider
Describes a active power value as active power
Describes a photovoltaic plant
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of PvInput entities with altered field values.
Represents calculation results of a PvInput
Characteristic giving the reactive power behaviour based on the current voltage magnitude at the connecting node
Data model to describe the parameters of a probability density function to draw random power consumptions.
Represents the aggregation of raw grid elements (nodes, lines, transformers, switches)
Interface that provides the capability to build entities that are hold by a RawGridElements as well as the RawGridElements container as well from different data sources e.g.
Abstract class (only for grouping all reactive power characteristics together
Describes a TimeSeries with repetitive values that can be calculated from a pattern
Abstract class to hold all mappings common to all result models
'Serializer' for ResultEntitys into a fieldName to value representation to allow for an easy processing into a database or file sink e.g.
Interface that provides the capability to build entities of type ResultEntity container from .csv files.
Data used by SimpleEntityFactory to create an instance of an entity than can be created based only on a mapping of fieldName to value.
Internal API Interface for Entities that can be build without any dependencies on other complex pojos
Simple class, that holds a mapping from key to value.
Data, that is used to build a TimeBasedValue within a Factory
Exception that should be used whenever an error occurs in a instance of a DataSink
Describes an irradiance value as a pair of diffuse and direct irradiance
Exception that should be used whenever an error occurs in a instance of a DataSource
Implements a DataConnector for a native SQL connection to a relational database.
SQL implementation for retrieving TimeSeriesMetaInformationSource from the SQL scheme
SQL source for weather data
Giving reference to a known standard load profile to apply to a LoadInput.
A collection of Units that fit to the different input and output models by convention
Describes a battery storage
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of StorageInput entities with altered field values.
Represents calculation results of a StorageInput
Describes the type of a StorageInput
Represents the accumulation of all data needed to create one galvanically complete single grid
Defines gates between SubGridContainers and serves as edge definition for SubGridTopologyGraph
A wrapper class to define a graph for representing the structure of galvanically seperated sub grid models.
Describes a apparent power value as a pair of active and reactive power
Describes an electrical grid switch between two NodeInputs
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of LineInput entities with altered field values.
Represents calculation results of a SwitchInput
Describes a system asset that is connected to a node
Abstract class for all builder that build child entities of abstract class SystemParticipantInput
Abstract class that holds values common to all other result entities
Factory class for creating SystemParticipantResult entities from provided SimpleEntityData data objects.
Represents the accumulation of system participant elements (BM plants, CHP plants, EVCS, fixed feed ins, heat pumps, loads, PV plants, storages, WECs)
Interface that provides the capability to build entities of type SystemParticipantInput as well as SystemParticipants container from .csv files.
Data used for those classes of SystemParticipantInput that need an instance of some type T of SystemParticipantTypeInput as well.
Describes the type of a SystemParticipantInput
Abstract class that holds values common to result entities having heat result
Temperature dependant load profiles for night storage heating and heat pumps .
Describes a temperature value
A thermal bus, to which different ThermalUnitInput units may be connected
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of ThermalBusInput entities with altered field values.
Container object to denote a fully connected thermal "grid".
Quite simple thermal model of a house to serve as a heat sink
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of ThermalHouseInput entities with altered field values.
Represents the results of ThermalHouseInput
Abstract class as a common super class of all thermal input models
Common properties to all thermal sinks
Represents calculation results of a ThermalSinkInput
Interface that provides the capability to build thermal AssetInput entities from persistent data e.g.
Common properties to all thermal storage devices
Represents calculation results of ThermalStorageInput
Abstract class for grouping all common properties to thermal models.
Abstract class for all builders that build child entities of abstract class ThermalUnitInput
Representation of a result with regard to a thermal unit
Container to group together all ThermalUnitInputs
Describes an entity of a time series by mapping a value to a timestamp
Abstract definition of data, that is used to build a TimeBasedValue within a Factory
Abstract class that is able to build TimeBasedValues from "flat" information
Abstract factory to handle the conversion from "flat" field to value mapping onto actual TimeBasedValueFactory with WeatherValue
TimeSeries<E extends TimeSeriesEntry<V>,V extends Value>
Describes a Series of values
This is an abstract class describing a unique entry to a time series
This interface describes basic function to handle mapping between models and their respective time series
Class to represent one entry within the participant to time series mapping
Meta information, that describe a certain data source
Factory that creates IndividualTimeSeriesMetaInformation entities from source field mappings
Source for all available time series with their UUID and ColumnScheme
Class to bundle a triple of time series class, entry class and value class for later recognition of supported time series in the TimeSeriesProcessor
The interface definition of a source, that is able to provide one specific time series for one model
Describes a two winding transformer, that is connected to two NodeInputs
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of Transformer2WInput entities with altered field values.
Represents calculation results of a Transformer2WInput
Describes the type of a Transformer2WInput
Describes a three winding transformer, that is connected to three NodeInputs
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of Transformer3WInput entities with altered field values.
Describes the type of a Transformer3WInput
Describes an electrical grid transformer, is "located" in the inferior subnet
Abstract class that adds a tap changer position attribute to the ConnectorResult which actually creates a transformer representation.
Data used for those classes of ConnectorInput that need an instance of some type T of Transformer2WTypeInput as well.
Interface that provides the capability to build entities of type SystemParticipantTypeInput and OperatorInput from different data sources e.g.
Supplies every subclass with a generated UUID, making it unique
Abstract class for all builder that build child entities of abstract class UniqueEntity
Is thrown, when a checked entity may be unsafe to use, but is not necessarily unsafe
Basic Sanity validation tools for entities
Describes any class that represents a value
Definition of a concrete voltage level.
Is thrown in case, there is some problem when building VoltageLevelInformation
Describes a data source for weather data
Describes weather as a combination of solar irradiance, temperature and wind values
Characteristic mapping the wind velocity to its corresponding Betz coefficient
Describes a Wind Energy Converter
A builder pattern based approach to create copies of WecInput entities with altered field values.
Represents calculation results of a WecInput
Describes the type of a WecInput
Describes a data source for wholesale prices
Describes wind as a pair of direction and velocity