Interface NestedEntity

All Known Subinterfaces:
HasLine, HasNodes, HasThermalBus, HasType, Operable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AssetInput, BmInput, ChpInput, ConnectorInput, CylindricalStorageInput, EmInput, EvcsInput, EvInput, FixedFeedInInput, HpInput, LineGraphicInput, LineInput, LoadInput, MeasurementUnitInput, NodeGraphicInput, NodeInput, PvInput, StorageInput, SwitchInput, SystemParticipantInput, ThermalBusInput, ThermalHouseInput, ThermalInput, ThermalSinkInput, ThermalStorageInput, ThermalUnitInput, Transformer2WInput, Transformer3WInput, TransformerInput, WecInput

public interface NestedEntity
This interface should be implemented only by other interfaces that should be used by the Extractor It provides the entry point for the extraction method in the Extractor. If this interface is implemented by other interfaces one has to take care about, that the corresponding extractElements()-method in Extractor is extended accordingly.