Class ChargingPointTypeUtils


public class ChargingPointTypeUtils extends Object
Utility class to create either custom instances of ChargingPointTypes or to retrieve common standard ChargingPointTypes based on their id
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • parse

      public static ChargingPointType parse(String parsableString) throws ChargingPointTypeException
      Parse a given string into either a custom ChargingPointType or a standard ChargingPointType. A custom charging point type can be created if the prsable string matches the following regex (\w+\d*)\s*\(\s*(\d+\.?\d+)\s*\|\s*(AC|DC)\s*\) e.g. FastCharger(50|DC) is a valid custom charging point definition. The apparent power value is expected to be in kVA.

      For all available common standard charging point types see commonChargingPointTypes.

      parsableString - the string to be parsed. Either a valid custom string or the id of a common standard charging point
      instance of a ChargingPointType
      ChargingPointTypeException - if the string is neither a valid custom charging point string nor a valid common standard charging point id
    • fromIdString

      public static Optional<ChargingPointType> fromIdString(String id)
      Retrieve a common standard charging point type based on its id or one of its synonymous ids

      For all available common standard charging point types see commonChargingPointTypes.

      id - the id of the common standard charging point type
      optional containing id matching ChargingPointType or an empty optional if no common charging point type matching the provided id can be found